Report Academic activity was organized by the History Department of Gandhi Memorial National College, Ambala Cantonment in association with the Biological Association Department of Botany and Zoology. The subject of this educational activity was Evolution of Man. During the program, the Principal of the college, Dr. Rajpal Singh said that in today's time, Interdisciplinary approach is playing an important role in the field of education. Due to which the entire development of the students is being done. Dr.Shikha Jaggi, President of Department of Life Sciences, explained to the students of the History Department in detail about human origins. He said that as the environment on earth changed, according to man Physical development also took place and his intelligence also progressed. As a result, humans had started moving out of the forests and living in flat areas. It was only by the development of man's physical structure and intelligence that he helped humans understand the importance of stability in life.Dharamveer Saini, Assistant Professor of the Department of History, said that it is very important for the students to understand the concept of origin of man, because in the development of society, it is necessary for man to know his history. On this occasion, Dr. Kuldeep Yadav, Dr. Meenu Rathi and both departments students were present.