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Extension lecture on “History as a Subject”

Department of History, Gandhi Memorial National College, Ambala Cantt has organised an Extension Lecture/Academic Activity on 30/07/2019.Professer G. Khurana, Senior Professor, Department of History, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra was Key-Note Speaker of this academic activity, who delivered on Extension lecture on “History as a Subject” In this programme Dr. Dharamveer Saini, Assistant Professor, Department of History conducted the stage. First of all Dr. Anju Jain, Senior faculty member of GMN College welcomed the key-note speaker with bouquet. Professor Khurana told in his key-note address that “History is a serious subject.” when in the world history writings were started then history understand only as a story of human past. But after that St. Augustine wrote in his book” City of God” that “All world is the domain of the God” But after sixteenth century when Science was developed then scientific approach was also used in history, So history became more meaningful for present life of human. Professor Khurana further described why the history was periodised and what the basic deference between Before Coman Era and Coman Era. Dr. Anju Jain in her presidential address expressed that “After lessening to valuable thoughts of Professor Khurana on history, it is clear that without the study of history we cannot make good our present and cannot secure our future. In this Educational programme 110 students of history subject and other disciplines participated. Dr. S.K Gaso, Associate Professor of Punjabi, Mr. Brijesh Kumar,Director of Physical Education,Mr. Deepak Kumar, Librarian, GMN College, were also presented in this function.
