News & Events

IQAC fourth seminar on the topic “Understanding Criteria of SSR and AQAR”

REPORT The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college organized fourth seminar on the topic “Understanding Criteria of SSR and AQAR” under Professional Development Program initiative on 19.09.2019 at 1 :00 p.m. in the Seminar Hall. 14 faculty members attended the seminar.  Ms. Pinky discussed criterion III “Research Innovation and Extension”. it was observed that the college needed to work productively in the area of research. It was suggested that teacher should be motivated to do more quality research. She discuss about various major and other research projects granted to the college. She also emphasized on the various MOU’s and collaborations  Ms. Upinder Kaur discussed criterion VI “ Governance Leadership and Management” She elaborated various audits of the college including internal audit external audit academic audit administrative audit etc. She also discuss about various IQAC initiatives taken during the session. It was also observed that financial matters were also need to be revised such as corpus fund.  Ms. Kamlesh discussed criterion VII “Institutional Values and Best Practices”. She mentioned about gender equity programs organized by the college. She also collaborated the activities related to values and ethics community services and eco-friendly measures undertaken by the college The meeting ended with a formal vote of thanks.
