REPORT The Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC)of the college organized third seminar on the topic “Understanding Criteria of SSR and AQAR” under Professional Development Program initiative on 18.9.2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the Seminar Hall II. 16 faculty members attended the seminar. Ms. Pinky Gupta presented and discussed criteria IV, i.e., Infrastructure and Learning Resources She briefed the detailed of budget allocation and augmentation in the infrastructure facilities during session 2018-19. Number of important equipment purchased during the current year were analyzed. It was reinforced that the data related to the number of smart classroom and ICT enabled classroom should match with the criteria II. The number of newspapers which was same during the current session was proposed to be enhanced in the next sessions. It was observed that the number of browsing centers were initiated during the year. Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary was also discussed. Mr. S.K. Bathla elaborated on criteria V, i.e., Student Support and Progression. It was decided that career counseling activities were to be increased in future so that a greater number of students could be benefited from them. It was also observed that actual number of students qualified competitive exams for more than recorded. The Principle suggested to put more effort to collect the required data from the students. It was proposed that list of activities should be updated and updated data related to scholarship to be taken from administrative office. It was also suggested that the data pretending to student progression to higher education should be maintained properly. It was decided that the remaining criteria i.e. III, VI and VII would be discussed later on The meeting ended with a formal vote of thanks