News & Events

Scholarship (Non-Government) Distribution

Applications were invited for the grant of scholarship for the session 2021-22 under Non-Government / Institutional Category. The scholarship was granted out of the donation received from the college management and various other sources. More than 75 students on basis of academic, cultural performance, financial position of their family or being fatherless having no source of income applied for the same. Document verification followed by personal interview was conducted on 07/02/2022 in the seminar hall (Room No. 2). On the basis of the applications, records and interview, need based scholarships were awarded to 50 students as per enclosed list. Cheques were issued to the students on 11/02/2022 to the students who were selected. The convener of scholarship committee Mrs. Pinki Gupta and the students expressed their sincere thanks to the Principal, College Management and all the donors who helped the students in their persuit for their higher education.
